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A male professional announcer describes the neighborhood as a place for respectable occupations and intellectual tourism, where the upper floors shelter the sedentary population from the street's influences. The people here are not interested in subjective profundity but in an adequate and concrete expression of themselves. They reinvent everything each day and desire to become the masters of their own lives. The documentary captures the provisional microsociety of this group of people who are on the margins of the economy and tend toward a role of pure consumption, mostly of their time. \n\nThe group ranges over a small area, and the same times of day bring them back to the same places. Their discussions about the meaning of everything continue. The era is marked by a level of knowledge and technical means that makes possible, and increasingly necessary, a direct construction of all aspects of a liberated affective and practical existence. The ruling class's monopoly over the instruments needed to realize the collective art of our time has excluded this group from cultural production devoted to illustrating and repeating the past.\n\nThe urban environment is a reflection of the orders and tastes of the ruling society. The obstacles everywhere maintain the coherent reign of poverty. The dictatorship of the proletariat is a desperate struggle against the forces and traditions of the old world. The years pass, yet the things that should be abolished continue, and we continue to wear away with them. \n\nThe film evokes the lettrist experiences at the origin of the situationist movement and shows shots of the Paris district frequented by the lettrists in the early 1950s. The documentary captures the totality of what has been done and what remains to be done for the liberation of everyday life, rather than adding more ruins to the old world of the spectacle and memories. 展开全部


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